VapitalyPRO 2019

Rome (Italy), 9 – 10 November 2019

The B2B Connection

from abroad

Nuova Fiera di Roma - Hall 6

Via A. G. Eiffel, 00148 Rome (Italy)

Workshops program

VapitalyPRO is training


HOURS: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
duration: 2 hours
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A smoker comes into your store

In collaboration with LIAF - Italian Anti-Smoking League.
Reasons, advantages and elements of attraction for those who want to give up smoking cigarettes and switch to vaping.

The focus of the workshop is the approach to the new clients who enter your shop.
In particular, Professor Pasquale Caponnetto and Dr. Marilena Maglia (of CoEHAR – the International Center of Excellence for the Reduction of Damage from Smoking – based in Catania), thanks to their long experience, will focus their presentation on giving the vape shop owners the most important elements to respond to the doubts and perplexities of potential new consumers for their passage to the experience of vaping.

HOURS: 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
duration: 2 hours
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How to advertise the sector online and offline without making mistakes?

In collaboration with Sigmagazine, Taglianigruppoadv and Rdcom.
Best practices and new marketing tools to promote your store.

Stefano Caliciuri, director of Sigmagazine, will examine the most widespread advertising practices, pointing out critical aspects and possible errors from a legal standpoint as well as from that of effectiveness of the message, i.e. what you can and cannot say and the best way to say it.
After that, Elisa Tagliani of the Taglianigruppoadv agency, and the specialist of RDcom, Petra Bianchetti, will illustrate examples of effective advertising for vaping operators, pointing out the most innovative and effective channels for attracting and maintaining customers' loyalty.


HOURS: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
duration: 2 hours
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Vaping stores: everything you need to know

Training event offered in collaboration with UNIEcig - the Italian E-cig Trade Association.
Instructions and practical suggestions for dealing with the bureaucracy and managing your business in the best way.

Managing a retail business is a complex activity.
Antonella Panuzzo, Francesca Torelli, Francesco Spena Barretta and the lawyer Andrea De Mauro Paternò Castello, thanks to their experience, will teach you how to untangle the bureaucratic and official red tape, how to manage your staff and what your responsibilities as an employer consist of.
Particular emphasis will be given to exploring the rights and duties of the proprietor and proving useful tips about after-sales concerns: the legal warranty on the products, fidelity cards and collections of points.

HOURS: 2.30 p.m. - 3 p.m.
duration: 30 minutes
SPECIAL EVENT: Advocacy in the U.S.

Overview of what is happening to US vaping and possible impacts on Europe with Dimitris Agrafiotis and Phil Busardo.

Special guests Phil Busardo and Dimitris Agrafiotis (Vapingreek) will illustrate the current situation of vaping in the U.S. and the possible impacts of the American situation on the international e-cig markets.

HOURS: 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
duration: 2 hours
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What to do when the Finance Police or the Anti-Adulteration and Health Unit come to your store?

In collaboration with Utopia Legal.

The legal team of the lawyers Alberto Gava and Nicola Capozzoli will teach you how to deal with the legal and practical aspects of an official inspection: what sorts of controls can be made by the Customs and Government Monopoly authorities and what kinds of sanctions can be applied if they find irregularities. Are criminal charges possible?
To these and other questions of a legal character, the experts of Utopia Legal will provide the answers.